distribution network
Local presence, global coverage.
To start a conversation with our global sales and support team, you can use the inquiry form to the right and we will coordinate an inquiry with the most qualified distributor in your area, or you can contact our distributors directly by visiting their websites below.
Get In Touch
Let us know how we can help you. Fill out the form below and an Inert team member will be in touch promptly, or if your prefer, you can contact our distributors directly.
To request pricing, please use our RFQ form.
* Indicates a required field
One Industrial Way
Amesbury, MA USA 01913
Phone: (978) 462 4415
Fax: (978) 462 3338
East Coast USA & Canada
Office: +1(978) 462 4415 x 542
Mobile: (978) 872-3430
Midwest and West Coast USA & Canada
Office: +1(978) 462 4415 x 549
Mobile: (630) 383-9638
Europe (including Scandinavia)
Office : +1(978) 462 4415 x 502
UK & Ireland
Office: +1(978) 462 4415 x 542
Mobile: (978) 872-3430
Office: +1(978) 462 4415 x 549
Mobile: (630) 383-9638
Africa & Australia
Office: +1(978) 462 4415 x 542
Mobile: (978) 872-3430